Showing posts with label module. Show all posts
Showing posts with label module. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Dfont module - Drupal

The Dfont module is very useful. This module is very useful in cases like when the Client needs the Site in particular font which is also a rare font which wont be available in most of the Users machine, so in that case only the default font will get called this is where the issue raises. In this case few options available are,
  •  We can add the fonts as images, but you cant add every text as Images then the site will be very slow.
  •  Another thing is embedding flash which is also not a good option.
  •  Compartively the Dfont module option is Good. You need to add that font to the server, from there the font will get called, the user's machine doesnt need to have that Font. Therefore every user can view the site in Client requested Font.

Steps for installing this module,
  •  Enable the module asusual.
  •  After enabling, go to the dfont settings page (admin/settings/dfont), there also the instructions will be available.
  •  The Next step is you have to Upload the .ttf and .eot files, for each font, to directory sites/default/files/fonts.
  •  Then Scroll down and click Generate font styles.
  •  Then Enable dynamic font filter in admin/settings/filters and Refresh this page to ensure your fonts are rendered below.

You can download the fonts from Also to convert the fonts to .eot format, you can use this link to do that

Then you have to add some Css properties for including the font family, size etc ...
h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 {
   font-family: UVNDamCuoi_H;

"UVNDamCuoi_H" is the Font name (which I have used). So after including this, automatically all the header tags (h1,h2 etc ..) will be displayed in the "UVNDamCuoi_H" font. You can also use the default options like [dfont=df1m],[dfont=df1l],[dfont=df1x] in the dfont settings page for various presets.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Drupal - Module hooks invoke procedure

How does all the hooks inside all the modules (custom & contributed) gets invoked and executed,

module_implements() - this is the function which Determine which modules are implementing a hook.

function module_implements($hook, $sort = FALSE, $refresh = FALSE) {
  static $implementations;

  if ($refresh) {
    $implementations = array();

  if (!isset($implementations[$hook])) {
    $implementations[$hook] = array();
    $list = module_list(FALSE, TRUE, $sort);
    foreach ($list as $module) {
      if (module_hook($module, $hook)) {
        $implementations[$hook][] = $module;

In this function it will call the module_list() function which returns all the enabled modules, further on which module_hook() function is called which checks whether the module uses that hook function

function module_hook($module, $hook) {
  return function_exists($module .'_'. $hook);

Customizing the Search form - Drupal

To change the label text and text inside the search box and the text on the submit and changing the Submit button image, you can use the fo...